Saturday, August 11, 2007

A Grooming for Gracie

Gracie had a nice bath last weekend in advance of her visit to the doctor's this past Thursday for her annual shots and check-up. Now, it's time for a nice haircut... which in the doggie world is called "getting groomed!"

At our home, Anne does all the serious dog grooming stuff mostly because she used to show Irish Setters, and therefore knows what she's doing. Gregory is always happy to act as the cookie wrangler and grooming-assistant. I usually do the set-up, sweeping, offer moral support to Gracie and, generally, sit around.

To the right is a picture of Gracie just before the grooming begins. You'll notice that I've set the grooming table up on our front porch... there's going to be ALOT of hair flying around out there in no time flat!

After shaving her neck with the cippers, Anne moves on using the clippers to trim the hair on the first third of the outside of Gracie's ears... this part Gracie does not mind too much.

While Anne is working on Gracie's head, Greg uses a "stripping knife" to, in effect, thin out the under coat on her back and thighs.

After about an hours effort, Gracie is looking and feeling much better... wait till the neighborhood gets a load of her during our walk this evening!



SandyCarlson said...

I wish I could get my little girl to sit still for that kind of smoothening out! Gracie sure is a beauty.

Mister Scott said...

thanks for stopping by and commenting! we are very proud of her... but not as proud as she is of herself, I suspect ;)